Episode 136
136: Board Game Review: Exit The Game: Advent Calendars
In this episode...
Aaron, Kellye, and Adam discuss two Exit the Game Advent Calendars: The Hunt for the Golden Book and The Silent Storm.
You can watch the BGG Game Night crew solve a calendar day by day on their Youtube channel:
- The Mystery of the Ice Cave (2020)
- The Hunt for the Golden Book (2021)
- We thought The Silent Storm was the 2021 calendar, and The Hunt for the Golden Book was the 2022 calendar. In truth, the years are switched.
- We thought that there was a Game Night play through of Adam's calendar (The Silent Storm) but the other play through is for the Mystery of the Ice Cave, which is not mentioned in this episode.
- The game retails for $50, not $60 as mentioned during the episode.
Find us online:
- Bluesky: @varianthex
- Instagram: @varianthex
- Twitch: @varianthex (we might start streaming games soon)
- Website: varianthex.com
- Email: podcast@varianthex.com
Additional Info:
Our theme music is "Shimmer" by Mr. Smith, obtained via the Free Music Archive.
"Shimmer" was made available under a public domain license. If you enjoy our theme music, please leave the artist a tip!